
Spending the same dollar, all around the world.

Fluctuating like the Rand,

Done ran from the Peso on to the Kronos, and then the Franc,

My name’s never late.

Spending Euros they all be trying to make.

The Frenchies revolutionizing again.

Been in the Caribbean and spent it all the same.

St Croix, Antigua, St Kitts, on to Monaco and St Tropez.

Yeah, I been there in the slops, flip flops, thongs and sandals.

My tan is looking most dark, your lady’s got the spark,

When I wink bye looking in the eye, shaking hands.

Aren’t we just men, Man…

With our tracks in the snow…sand…whateverman.

We kick it…stuck in the hops, hash.

All around all the basics being spoke,

Hello, hello. My name is…what is your’s, what time is it, good day to you, Smile…

It’s all good, gimme some food, where can I piss.

There, all against the wall.

We’re only in Port for one night,

No need to fight,

It only takes a little,

And she’ll go all night.


I'm originally from a small town in Central Texas, Lampasas. In the early stages writing was often spurred by some emotional event. What is currently on the Abstract King website is "the tip of the iceberg" so to speak. A pile of indecipherable hand written journals, thousands of photos, and hundreds of hours of video have sat collecting dust in storage over the years. Wondering about the effects fire, flood, or death would have on this massive amount of "me", drove me to create something more permanent. So, I began digitizing all the written words, editing, and sharing pieces with friends. The site is an extension of the positive feedback and intrinsic value I have received since. For the sake of creation, I put it out there for you. If you have an emotional response along the paths in my kingdom, then that's a bonus!
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