Tag Archives: trans-atlantic

“Atlantic Crossing”

Cruising fifteen knots from Casa Blanc to the Canaries, slow like flying DC three’s, Flying away singing like a canary leaving home. I’ve checked the chart, the log, and the weather. Dropping trails as the watch officer I tell. That … Continue reading

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“Atlantic Crossing on Not to be Mentioned”

Jellyfish highway and dolphins. Shuddering, slamming, shaking us from our sleep The sea tells secrets where they be Put in a place, along this trace. Circles, straight lines, and triangles navigate. Never late, Never Borred. Time will tell the size … Continue reading

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“Did You Hear That”

Now I sleep alone, along the bow, near the forepeak, and all of the insignificant noises have added up against me to push the craze. I lie awake, hearing water slosh inside of bottles, knowing there are hundreds of them … Continue reading

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“Crossing Papers”

One coffee, two coffee, three coffee, four Haven’t had a drop, but I’ve been there before. Ran from my self and wound up in a can. On a boat, with some boat’s weather routing man. Who’s in control of the … Continue reading

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“Come in Off the Rail”

It’s coming off the rail I come in off the rail Red line tied Eyes blinded by the white. Topsides down and sideways.

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“Foredeck and Anchor Chain”

Super Servant III Crossing, Dock Express King links I split. Breaking chain bit by bit. I break apart between the shot- Shackles at ninety feet each. Rub Your Balls With Grease. All the colors if you know what I mean. … Continue reading

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“Neptune Ceremony”

No safe haven, alone amongst the stars, sun, wind, waves, clouds and moon. 10/16/5 Neptune Ceremony My magic number is 42 as of 10/16/5. Ten/Sixteen/Five Fifteen minutes keep passing me by Check one, check two, zero targets to starboard side. … Continue reading

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