Tag Archives: evolution

Protected: “Seeds and Signs”

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“Original Question”

Back to our original question? Who, How, Why are we here in the first place? Philosophy on “God” God            Alien           Universe         Jesus                        Mary person         person       … Continue reading

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“Volcanoes Leave Tracks”

The volcanoes have been leaving tracks their entire lives. We have observed long enough to interpret the marks in the sand. Understanding the past we see the future. Until fire or ice wipes the slate clean. Then we’re Hansel and … Continue reading

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“Birds Win”

Baby Bird Bombardier, You hold your hands up in victory. Earth has removed it’s virus, HUMAN, And given back to, ANIMAL, And mutualistic relationships. So the Flightless Cormorant stomps around gleefully in Punta Albermarle, Isabelea Island.

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“Galapagos Grow Strangely”

The black isles of the Galapagos breathe off clouds. They deter the crowds by creating halos of their own induction. Providing shade and moisture they conceal their growth. They Move.   Giants roam the earth above and below pyroclastic flows. … Continue reading

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“Earth is Crying”

The Earth is Crying. I’m swimming among stalactites that have held onto the tears for so long they are drowning. Compressed life tries to escape but fails, Evolving into liquid mercury as it reaches Earth’s epidermis. The Earths’ heart is … Continue reading

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