Tag Archives: earth

“Rocks Roll”

Rocks roll with the oceans command, Blades of grass rhythmically run conducted by the wind. Frigate’s show patrol on jagged shoals.

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“Biotic Crisis”

Major extinction events have been documented over hundreds of millions of years and occur periodically without fail. These events are also known as a biotic crisis.  Macroscopic life is what is measured, due to the fact that the majority of … Continue reading

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“Heaven’s Invaded”

For a moment I thought we were being invaded… And Heaven, I thought about too… It got invaded a long galactic drift ago…

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“I’m a Servant”

What level of servant am I? Epitome of servants. The highest of the low. Should I serve something for the better, rather than keeping a rich man’s toy from rusting? What is the end of this? What about what we … Continue reading

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“Money’s Not Poetry”

Money’s not poetry, and love isn’t real. Religions are getting figured out, and the next great thing is to save the Earth.  Become human among the other species.  

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“Little Planet”

So many things taken for granite, While running around this little planet. Everyday our lives so frantic, I fear the day we all should panic. Remember the ways rejected, Trust in God and be protected.

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“Drifting Aimlessly”

Are we still drifting aimlessly through the vacuum of space? That’s a roger. Are there any earthquakes, tidal waves, or meteor showers? Nope. Have the dead risen? Ha. No. Then it’s just another day. Mum mn.

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“Volcanoes Leave Tracks”

The volcanoes have been leaving tracks their entire lives. We have observed long enough to interpret the marks in the sand. Understanding the past we see the future. Until fire or ice wipes the slate clean. Then we’re Hansel and … Continue reading

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“Earth is Crying”

The Earth is Crying. I’m swimming among stalactites that have held onto the tears for so long they are drowning. Compressed life tries to escape but fails, Evolving into liquid mercury as it reaches Earth’s epidermis. The Earths’ heart is … Continue reading

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