Tag Archives: abyss

“The Edge”

I go the edge with the light on my back. As I peer into the soul, it’s deep, cold, and oh so black. All have choices, some just choose to go. I’m changing your children’s lives by what I have … Continue reading

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“Atlantic Crossing on Not to be Mentioned”

Jellyfish highway and dolphins. Shuddering, slamming, shaking us from our sleep The sea tells secrets where they be Put in a place, along this trace. Circles, straight lines, and triangles navigate. Never late, Never Borred. Time will tell the size … Continue reading

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“Cape Verde Abyssal Plain”

Cape Verde Abyssal Plain. Just a plain name, but has so many depths. One thousand five hundred and fifty miles from land, Man, And, Battles are being waged amongst the clouds. Etching circles in the sea, sending waves to you … Continue reading

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