Category Archives: Quest Observations

Interpretations of Continental Journeys.

“Basketball Rant”

Dear NBA Commissioner, It is time for a revolution. Remember when basketball was a joke? Have you ever heard of the Harlem Globetrotters? We need to set new parameters and goals for our super athletes. They have surpassed our past … Continue reading

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“Dropping Off the Package”

Cameron. Thoughts for everyone from the warm and sunny. Been to the “Doll-Doll” room but it wasn’t funny. Had my time with Eliza, but she wasn’t cumming. A big thank-you to “Spider Princess” and family And to the left over … Continue reading

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I hear an echo of your voice, I can’t stop it, I have no choice. It rings aloud I wonder where, I look to see, you’re never there.   As I sit with you on my mind, Your picture perfect, … Continue reading

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Years later. It was all said in “1984″. What are you scared for? BIG BROTHER’S here, so why are you still afraid? You knew it was coming around the way. Written by Orwell, George that is in 1949 way back … Continue reading

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Am I back-drifting? Am I coming across my own footsteps? Have I given my “self” away? What footsteps are unseen? Have I flown too high or gone too deep? Up to Heaven or into the sea?

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“Baggage Claim”

There is too much baggage, I don’t want to claim. Keep me away from the baggage claim, Carrousel – Passports for sale. How many do you want? I just want my carry – on. Carrie, on her lips hold oh … Continue reading

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“Breaking Wind”

Breaking the wind, Friends three by two wheel’n Bald Eagles sing’n, asphalt we’re eat’n. Mr. Olfactory system reminisces with youth through fellowship and Turkey Town here comes Huddle House.

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“Converse and Reason”

I’m done dealing with your interpersonal conflicts. And, you’re not allowed to get angry when I challenge your absolutism. Converse and reason. You’re intimidated when you don’t have control or familiarity.

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“Coopertown Everglades”

Coopertown, rained out, Warrantied in Cali. When the Bell rings, he sings as he smiles. Crowds, upside down frowns. All around, Coopertown. Fans pushed passed Cotton laden ears, Chick-n, one eyed alligators, Captain Hillbilly man, And those from La-La Land.

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Cedar bark has too much CREOSOTE, A tar coating that covers chimneys and telephone poles. Pines, cedar evergreens, everlasting Don’t cook with it because of fumes.   Sulphur Springs Bend, Texas near Barefoot. The hook is in the book. Colorado … Continue reading

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“Crossing Borders”

I’m crossing borders faster than Mexicans. I’m telling ya, son. From Texas to Vegas to Arizona, putting the truth on ya, Like Jesus stepping on the ocean selling snow flakes like it’s frozen. To all the hell hounds trying to … Continue reading

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“Cuddles and Kiss”

Your cuddles and kiss are what I’m gonna miss. All I need is someone to let me be me. So I’ve left with a flame from your lips Lost among smoke, I search with my fingertips. So close, so far … Continue reading

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“Day by Day”

Day by day is ok, Two weeks or a month plus needs a new policy. But must I live in home. I’m non operational, He can be a permissive operator. How will she handle it.

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“Don’t Wear Clothes”

It’s just not right to cover up the nerve endings, but it’s always good to keep the bugs off. To have others complain about the heat, and not feel it is great. To have someone complain about the “Mozzies” and … Continue reading

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“Drifting Aimlessly”

Are we still drifting aimlessly through the vacuum of space? That’s a roger. Are there any earthquakes, tidal waves, or meteor showers? Nope. Have the dead risen? Ha. No. Then it’s just another day. Mum mn.

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“Drive by Truckers”

Drive By Truckers. Stage side insight, I write. Rosemary in charge She rules the road… Toads fall from the sky. Mine-eyes never cry, My soul aches, Crosses roads, And purple scarves flowing in the wind. Too fast to look, Took … Continue reading

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“Long Days”

Our days seem longer than the last from before. Now they seem so long, making the most of our days. I have so few left, Smelt of roses past, Passed other aromas as well, And looked back memories I see. … Continue reading

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I’m the guy who shot at the last second to win and missed. Lost. Lost everyone’s dreams. Adolescence is so mean. All those parents, teachers, and screams.

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To the land of loose handshakes. Where the flags fly on Sundays, Red and white with a cross. We’ve got out union Jacks on, Blue and white splashed with stars. In Malta without a malt-a-beverage, Could’a been better with a … Continue reading

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“Good to be Tired

I tired. It’s good to be tired, because you can sleep. You can sleep later into the day, So there’s less hours to be awake.

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Manderstand me? Manderstanding. Manderstanding, that’s my manderstanding some of the people don’t even manderstand. Fred, don’t mismanderstand me. Manderstanding, when two men understand what they’re talking about. Understand = Manderstand Don’t even get me started about the womanderstanding…

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“Manhattanville University”

There’s sweetness in the air here, about the place. Not quite like a food smell because there is that too in certain areas. i.e. cafeteria and library, but I think it comes down to the trees.  The trees are undergoing … Continue reading

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“Greatest Weapons”

Greatest Weapons: Character Assassination, Indifference, And Silence.

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“Guitars Motorcycles and Women”

Guitars are like motorcycles. If you have the skills you can always get on one. Kinda like girls. No matter where you are, it works out for ya. “A.K., do you know how to play guitar?” “I’ve touched it a … Continue reading

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“Gypsy Taxi”

In St Maarten I caught a ride with a gypsy. He tried to jip me, Should a cost me ten, But instead it cost me fifty.

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“Her Love is a Oneway Street”

She’s not playing for keeps, Her love is a one way street.   She make’s my heart skip a beat She won’t let me sleep. Her love is a one way street.   I want to walk hand in hand, … Continue reading

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“Highway Sixty-four”

HWY 64 took my time, Took my body, Took another man’s life. I rode down in a flat bed. Flat lined in a bed was he.

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“I Get Confused”

I read my pen and understand. I try to make it legible. Even when I understand my own self, later I get confuse-ed Self-edited, added on letters that constantly fall…….

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Buzzards, birds, cops, and choppers. Air advertisements try to distract this drive on highway ninety-five. Stay alive, drive ninety-five.

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“Juan Run-On”

I have entered the fifth digit. That no one can escape. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine plus one equals ten thousand. 8/26/3 TEN THOUSANDTH LIFE DAY. 10,000=9,999+1 While on my trip to Puerto Rico 8/25-28/3 with Captain Mike and … Continue reading

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“Ligurian Coast”

I am having trouble keeping up with my ears. They go faster than my mind’s able to steer in the tunnels we take. Yellow lights, road’s segmented while lines. Quick and fast hollows we make. Under the ground, clouds cover … Continue reading

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“Little Green Lizard”

Little green lizard, climbing on a tree. Little green lizard, hanging on the leaves. Little green lizard, looking kinda crazy, Little green lizard, puffin for a piece, Little green lizard, near Club Comanche, Little green lizard, stay away from me!

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“Mercedes Girl”

They aren’t so much sayings anymore. More like statements. Or, is that the same as declaratives? They’re just what I put down lacking lackluster. Don’t you want to ride in my Mercedes, girl? Where’s my Mer-ca-deez girl? Somewhere, some place, … Continue reading

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Conditioned minds, what’s mine?, what’s your’s? What’s your’s in not mine, Unless you don’t mind? That your’s is mine, and mine is mine, So make up your mind. If you don’t mind? Give that back it’s mine!

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“Women and Shoes”

How do you pick just one woman? They’re like shoes. So many styles. It makes you want one for each activity. Some you can get dirty and wet. Others you want to show off and not scratch. And yet others … Continue reading

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“Word Control”

Delve Dealve Elf Elve Delve. Words are mine from the start. I got control when do you come with me. You are drawn to me.

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Mobile telegraphs without a stamp. Morse code is lapse, Instead text message.

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“Mullet Bay, St Maarten”

I am life from the water. I see angels in the clouds; Wings swoop down on me. I see you like a bright object in the sand. I burst like mist across a crest. All that I am, Servant.

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“Over-partied and Unemployed”

Buffalo stomping around inside my head. Here at the crew house, I’d rather be dead. Over partied and unemployed. I’ve got my girl, she’s my favorite toy.

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“Peering at Pelicans”

We’re peering at pier perching pelicans While playing with posh Panamanian prostitutes All cause canal cronies can’t compete After cocky Caucasians calm crowds clearly clowning.

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“What’s Your Problem”

Que? Qual es tu problema? Repeatador, Por favor. Necesito mas dinero y senoras, Pero senoras quieran mi dinero.

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“World Resident”

Don’t be fooled by my transient look. I have no fixed abode. I’m a resident of the World. My luxurious hair just so happens to make a great natural sun protection factor.  

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“St Croix Slow”

Nothing is in a hurry in St Croix. Just like Armageddon, you can’t rush it. Everting’s Irie, All-right.

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“Sweet Morning Georgia Dew”

The sweet morning Georgia dew The A.M. perfectly crisp air. Clean. Temperature thirty-six degrees. Shadows and sun scenery. Good morning. So we eat, Sausage and grits, Gravy and biscuits. OJ and coffee we drink, Hang on fuel and laxative.  

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“Rasta Rain”

(Rasta Voice) Ah! It’s raining again! Squeezing the great sponge in the sky! It forms over St Croix, and I… and I and I… we praise the rain! It floods the cisterns; mountains move and wash into the sea… Yes, … Continue reading

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“Right Woman”

How could I bring this life I live on a women? How could I ask a women to live the life I live? Gonna have to be the “right” one or none.

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“Rosie’s Ribs and Chicken”

Oh. Oh, Rosie’s. Oh, Rosie’s Ribs and Chicken. The chicken flows so sweet like honey… Tender, moist goes with little money. The ribs burst in your mouth. South, South side Mullet Bay Saint Maarten, Got’s to jump in!

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It’s been two weeks and two days since my knee surgery. More and more, I’m better by the day. I look across to the crisscrossed crutches His on the other bed, Bulbs, bright they light My way one legged I’m … Continue reading

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“Tell Somebody”

Everybody just wants somebody to have somebody to tell what they should do.   Everybody just wants somebody to tell what they should do.   Everybody just wants somebody to have somebody to tell somebody what somebody should do.

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“Thorns and Blossoms”

It’s so hot the vegetation grows thorns! Hard! Flexing its hardness in the sun it boasts by throwing red blossoms into the sky. Battle hardened.  

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“Tractor and Trailer”

Handle? Like working the road, Big rig, C.D.L. Handling, Shifting thirty six gears.

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Spending the same dollar, all around the world. Fluctuating like the Rand, Done ran from the Peso on to the Kronos, and then the Franc, My name’s never late. Spending Euros they all be trying to make. The Frenchies revolutionizing … Continue reading

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“Volcanoes Leave Tracks”

The volcanoes have been leaving tracks their entire lives. We have observed long enough to interpret the marks in the sand. Understanding the past we see the future. Until fire or ice wipes the slate clean. Then we’re Hansel and … Continue reading

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“Warmth Light Chill Wind”

I feel warmth of the light through the chill of the wind. Here with thoughts of you still piercing my skin. Eyes wide as every hair stands on end. Waiting for next time lost in sin.

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“West Hollywood”

Existential A story about a boy who traveled with the wind. Currents shifting this way and that, Back past his home he sometimes went. Now in the hills of Hollywood, West. Where the people are square and the houses so … Continue reading

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“West Off Fires”

Fire flies Flashing In my eyes up in the sky Stars are shining bright Up in the night Screaming peacock’s in the trees All looking down on me Juan and no-H sit across from me Bugs, bats, and tree rats … Continue reading

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“Wetland Motorcycling”

Up from the wetlands the trio flows. The glades, not so everlasting. Three BMW’s what would you do? Dominate the world or B.E.Z. We ride free. Drive by truckers do and see, Signs read.

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“Where am I From”

I wonder where I’m from, and where I belong… How long will it take me to find my place, this time? So many other places to be, me, With less confus-zed faces to see and speak.

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“Where is Happiness”

Where does happiness come from? From inside Brain   Medulla Oblongata= affection, aggression, anger, jealousy.   Happiness is a choice! Some choose to be angry at the world.   People’s lives and business’ will continue to be shit because of … Continue reading

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“Why Did I Go”

Why did I go? My soles to you. Gunnips Creativity breeds… Blank pages seem to show us the way, Line by line we play. Let it out, you can shout. Blank pages tempt me, But I am trying to write … Continue reading

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“Unknown Soldier”

You don’t know me, I don’t know you, Your husband I could be.   I’m the Unknown Soldier, I’m not old, I’m not new, I died for my country, I died for you.   In World War I, I fought … Continue reading

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“Thanks to You”

As I look to my life. Present, past, and future.  And how it’s shaped, and will continue to grow. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for being a part of your heritage, your family, and your culture.  … Continue reading

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“Tone it Down”

I keep getting told to tone it down. They say I’m crazy and don’t want me around, But You know that I bring the party when I come to town. So go grab your people and come hear the sounds.

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“Gates to Heaven and Hell and My Grave-side Strolls”

I’m passing up broken bread offered at entry to Evergreen. Riddled with shadows watching while I’m looking for the cup of life. I stay on the left of the white line surrounded by signs. “One Way”, “Do Not Enter”, “Stop”. … Continue reading

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“Galapagos Grow Strangely”

The black isles of the Galapagos breathe off clouds. They deter the crowds by creating halos of their own induction. Providing shade and moisture they conceal their growth. They Move.   Giants roam the earth above and below pyroclastic flows. … Continue reading

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“Bring Your Alibis”

Only when you no longer care Is when you can truly let go, So please get off of my back. I have redemption to take, Bring your alibis I’ve… Got mine…

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