Author Archives: ABSTRACT KING


I'm originally from a small town in Central Texas, Lampasas. In the early stages writing was often spurred by some emotional event. What is currently on the Abstract King website is "the tip of the iceberg" so to speak. A pile of indecipherable hand written journals, thousands of photos, and hundreds of hours of video have sat collecting dust in storage over the years. Wondering about the effects fire, flood, or death would have on this massive amount of "me", drove me to create something more permanent. So, I began digitizing all the written words, editing, and sharing pieces with friends. The site is an extension of the positive feedback and intrinsic value I have received since. For the sake of creation, I put it out there for you. If you have an emotional response along the paths in my kingdom, then that's a bonus!

“Farmhouse Bedbugs”

Farmhouse, Treehouse, Mouse. Putting perceptions on paper is me. We got all kinds of bedbugs, Goodnight, goodnight. Hope you’re tucked in tight, Get ready for the bites.

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“Running Ensign”

The ensign is running away…. Now it only has two minutes to play… Laughing in the rain… Tattered and blowing in the reign.  

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“Rocks Like Hearts”

Why do I collect rocks that look like hearts? Hearts are rocks. Rocks are hard like hearts.

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I’m going to start screaming at the rain, Screaming at the rain, I’m someone to blame. Screaming at the rain it’s still the same, It’s the same, game when you’re screaming at the rain. Screaming at the rain cause we … Continue reading

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“Rain Tears Break”

The rain marks the break. Tears fall from the sky; eyes. My.

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“Rain Check”

Rain, Rain, Rain in the past and present. Had fun with Granma and all the rest. Hanging at the Bar-b-que drinking a little wine, then rolled out with three ladies, Damn they were fine.

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“Question Mark”

?, ?, Question Mark, Question Mark. Steps in the dark, through the park. Lost without you I see a spark. Run to the spark. Fly like a lark. Quick and fast. You’re ever last. Give me a chance I won’t … Continue reading

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“Pen in My Ear”

Raining….Raining… Pen in my ear, My eyes are full Drips with tears.

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I can’t wait to let the miles pass me by I’m heading to New York to expand my mind. I’ve got my cousin, Preston, and my Uncle too. God only knows what we’re gonna do. Two little babies with an … Continue reading

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“Names Unspoken Can Stay on the Floor”

Back in the day, We fought like dogs. We loved like death, And Danny boy left. Gave us the trust, And couldn’t get it back. That’s it; let it out. What else are friends for? Names unspoken can stay on … Continue reading

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“Music Next to You”

When I’m lying next to you, I hear music that doesn’t exist. My hands moving perpetually It’s you they can’t resist. I want to do this again, When it’s raining and cold outside.

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“Mom’s Safe”

Everything’s safe with my mom, man. Everything’s safe with my mom. Home for two weeks, now I’m the one that’s gone.

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“Sounds Good to Me”

So many days pass by living. Me, Saving lives and having good times. Me, St Patty’s day live. Mics sound safe to me.

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“Musky Toes”

Mosquito Diaries. I don’t want my body to go to mosquitos who draw on my flesh. Do you?   “Mosquitoes” Musky toes all around Stomping on the ground Like soldiers falling in Dirt laden and flip flopped skin.   Mosqui-tos … Continue reading

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Lub-dub. My heart says, Lub-dub. Lub-dub. I beat for you, Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Increase for you, Lub-dub. Your heart sings to me, Lub-dub, Lub-dub. I long for you, Lub-dub, Lub-dub. In-volun-ta-ry Lub-dub, Lub-dub.

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Do I do Haikus’? Will three lines make seventeen? It must be so, see.   These Haikus like Jews, They stay in-between the lines, Three, syllables make seventeen.   From Japanese we Have fun with pen and paper Tell it … Continue reading

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“What’s Your Favorite Number”

What’s your favorite number? This came to me after a slumber. I’ll tell you mine. It’s fifteen. It suits me just fine. Is your’s ten or twenty-five? I’ve told the Wandering Prince good-bye. Good Wednesday, Good Friday, Oh my. Your … Continue reading

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“Slow Wheel Huge Gait”

I can’t wait, Heavy like an elephant. Don’t for-gate, Slow wheel, huge gait. Making ground you hate.

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“Unknown Soldier”

You don’t know me, I don’t know you, Your husband I could be.   I’m the Unknown Soldier, I’m not old, I’m not new, I died for my country, I died for you.   In World War I, I fought … Continue reading

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“Thanks to You”

As I look to my life. Present, past, and future.  And how it’s shaped, and will continue to grow. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for being a part of your heritage, your family, and your culture.  … Continue reading

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“Tone it Down”

I keep getting told to tone it down. They say I’m crazy and don’t want me around, But You know that I bring the party when I come to town. So go grab your people and come hear the sounds.

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“Gates to Heaven and Hell and My Grave-side Strolls”

I’m passing up broken bread offered at entry to Evergreen. Riddled with shadows watching while I’m looking for the cup of life. I stay on the left of the white line surrounded by signs. “One Way”, “Do Not Enter”, “Stop”. … Continue reading

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“Galapagos Grow Strangely”

The black isles of the Galapagos breathe off clouds. They deter the crowds by creating halos of their own induction. Providing shade and moisture they conceal their growth. They Move.   Giants roam the earth above and below pyroclastic flows. … Continue reading

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“Bring Your Alibis”

Only when you no longer care Is when you can truly let go, So please get off of my back. I have redemption to take, Bring your alibis I’ve… Got mine…

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“Too Many Stamps”

I move like grains of sand. Multiple passports with too many stamps. Past so many ports, I hardly know where I am.

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“The Mid-Night”

New Moon to Bermuda Midnight to three, You sleep. Yes, I’m up look’n at the sea. The midnight rider. No sun, no moon, No room for the lite. I ride the midnight, Searching for signs of life, Dancing amongst squalls … Continue reading

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“The Greatest Sail”

The shadow moves like a curtain. It falls on the green island’s sides like an animal moves toward prey. Everything dies as the sun gets passed by.   Encompassed.     I run across the water with my mate and … Continue reading

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“Esprit de Corps”

Then there is that unspoken, indescribable, sense of artisan with-in each sailor that binds the brotherhood through paths untraveled, people’s unknown, alcohol, women, battles on land, and the trust in one’s life at sea. Striving for and sensing perfect proportion … Continue reading

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“Life and Happiness”

Putting it out there for everyone. What harm could I possibly do? Besides, the highest cost of communication is no communication.  I want to thank You for this occasion and also take the opportunity to share a bit of my … Continue reading

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“I’m Not Jesus”

Well, not that, you know, I AM Jesus.  I look, as if what white people’s perception of Jesus is, you know, the long hair and beard thing, as well as his supposed age.  And, whether we look at it as … Continue reading

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“Everyone Owes Me”


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“Satan In My Chair”

I think I would have. How long do I have? I caught Satan, Sitting in my chair.

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“I Bleed Through My Hand”

I bleed through my hand, Like grains of sand. I am the man, Who reeks of hate. It’s not too late, Walk past the gate, We all desire, Stand in the fire, God is the liar. Nothing towers.

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“Devil Casts China”

Does the Devil cast china with the heat of hell? And, does ironing come easy with out the need for electricity? Smirky little smiles speak understanding, While fat fires light the deck, Man minds collide. World residents, Choose and pick. … Continue reading

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“Dead Children”

The mother has outlived her children, And has suffered ever since. Now she is dead and has a sense of accomplishment.

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“Under the Shed the Rabbit Hops”

Under the shed I see Shades I don’t see During the day Back in the day On top of the shed I puffed what I took away Shadows on both days Different from what you say I saw, not so … Continue reading

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“Kings and Queens”

I’ve sat at tables with Kings. I’ve laid in beds with Queens. I’ve said things and everyone knows what I mean. And now, they’re all gone. I’m digging ditches while singing my song. Crossing paths, paths that are so long. … Continue reading

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I was looking at the stars and they turned in to the sun. Got too close, Had to turn and run. Lack of gravity, All about me, Wax from my wings sinks to the sea. The pounds of pressure, Keep … Continue reading

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The turbine beasts get push-shed back. Lethargic and awkward they slumber behind full seats. Tumbling red and green wings flash. Communication ever-last. Radio waves infinite we all crave life we live. Everyone gives not just one. Love Two dove we … Continue reading

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“Earth is Crying”

The Earth is Crying. I’m swimming among stalactites that have held onto the tears for so long they are drowning. Compressed life tries to escape but fails, Evolving into liquid mercury as it reaches Earth’s epidermis. The Earths’ heart is … Continue reading

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“Seacat Dancing”

At Buck Island Yesterday I laid Before an Octopus We shook our foots Head to Head Far from Dead We Danced Amongst the Sands Above the Plates We Sang It began to Reign On the upside Inside and Out The … Continue reading

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“I am Running Water”

“What are you doing?” Lea Ann said. “I’m running water.” says I.   I am life Twisting and turning I mold I form I rage with white fury Ever persistent I conquer I rescind I expand I occupy Smooth, sleek … Continue reading

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