“The Great Distraction”

So apparently seeing things and hearing voices is bad. Seeing and hearing voices that aren’t there, but today’s generations have been raised on this same principle.  Television has been providing voices, people, and things that come from a box.  They’re not really there, we blame kids for walking into a schoolroom and “playing games” that they’ve been playing since they were four on the “great distraction” = TV, Xbox, Nintendo, commodore 64, Atari.  The evolution of gaming/war is merging hemispheres about the brain and ambidextrous use is not for everyone.  Education of this type needs control and deliberate steps of success and practice.  Our opposable thumbs, hand eye coordination, and hemisphere merging will continue to develop.  We must understand that there will be negative occurrences in individuals that lack filters for what is reality or play/practice. There are those that will test their power/experience.


How far can I go?

What is real?

Can I really do this?

What are consequences?

Our culture lacks true/decisive consequences.

Video gaming will continue to evolve in the war front further confusing what is real and disconnecting human reality here on Earth, and away where humans will not be able to travel efficiently and effectively.

Will we come across a civilization thousands of years behind us?  Have we already? Has another already come across us?

What will we do?

How will our technology be received?

How will that civilization respond/prepare/tell/educate/prophesize/explore/seek with its people from what it has experienced?

What will we do to them?

What was done to us?

How have we reacted?

What has the “other” culture/civilization learned from the first/continued involvement with us?

Religions have been formed to control, manipulate, inspire, influence, pacify.


I'm originally from a small town in Central Texas, Lampasas. In the early stages writing was often spurred by some emotional event. What is currently on the Abstract King website is "the tip of the iceberg" so to speak. A pile of indecipherable hand written journals, thousands of photos, and hundreds of hours of video have sat collecting dust in storage over the years. Wondering about the effects fire, flood, or death would have on this massive amount of "me", drove me to create something more permanent. So, I began digitizing all the written words, editing, and sharing pieces with friends. The site is an extension of the positive feedback and intrinsic value I have received since. For the sake of creation, I put it out there for you. If you have an emotional response along the paths in my kingdom, then that's a bonus!
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