“Spider Princess”

I think that I’m ready.

I’d better get rest before the end.

The end is so near.

Spider Princess can push water.

Venom is injected from the presence behind,

Shaking and shivering; tangled and tied.

The Spider Princess has me in her web.

I wonder how long till I’ll be dead.

I’m walking freely, not knowing the whereabouts of my head.

Where am I?

What day is it?

What time is it?

Where do I live?

What if my name’s not the same?

What does it mean when I lay down and I fall thru my bed?

Sometimes I fall and it lasts a long time.

I get used to it,

Other times, it catches my breath.

Living as one, speaking many tongues.

Walk as I live, talk how I live.

Step as I talk, live as I walk.

Are you comfortable?

Would you like a change in your life?

How would it happen best for you?

You do so much for me Mother,

Add her to the Harem.


I'm originally from a small town in Central Texas, Lampasas. In the early stages writing was often spurred by some emotional event. What is currently on the Abstract King website is "the tip of the iceberg" so to speak. A pile of indecipherable hand written journals, thousands of photos, and hundreds of hours of video have sat collecting dust in storage over the years. Wondering about the effects fire, flood, or death would have on this massive amount of "me", drove me to create something more permanent. So, I began digitizing all the written words, editing, and sharing pieces with friends. The site is an extension of the positive feedback and intrinsic value I have received since. For the sake of creation, I put it out there for you. If you have an emotional response along the paths in my kingdom, then that's a bonus!
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